Cab Den Bosch attaches great importance to the quality and reliability of the contents of this website. Great care was taken in the compilation of the content whereby an attempt was made to present current and scientifically sound information. The information does not necessarily reflect the views of sympathizers, sponsors and advertisers. However, Taxi Den Bosch cannot guarantee that the content is always error-free. No rights can be derived from the information provided. You are responsible for choosing and using the information. The information may only be used by you. You may not transfer, reproduce, edit or distribute the information. With respect to the content of these websites, there is no freedom of adoption; all copyrights are reserved to Taxi Den Bosch. Please contact Taxi Den Bosch if you would like to adopt the information. Dutch law applies to these websites. Cab Den Bosch reserves the right to modify (parts of) the site at any time.

Links extene sites
The web pages of Taxi Den Bosch contain links to external websites. Cab Den Bosch is not responsible for the content of these external websites. Nor for the privacy protections on those pages, or for the services they may offer.

Links to Taxi Den Bosch
Linking to pages of the Taxi Den Bosch websites is allowed, provided that the good name of Taxi Den Bosch is not affected and provided that no endorsement by and / or support of Taxi Den Bosch websites is suggested where this is not the case.
Links to the website https://taxi-denbosch.com should preferably be made to the homepage, https://www.taxi-denbosch.com with the description ‘Taxi Den bosch: reliable regional cab at the best prices’.

The contents of the web pages of Taxi Den Bosch, and its own logos are subject to copyright. These belong to the initiators of Taxi Den Bosch. No part of these websites may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. This is only possible after prior written permission from the initiators of Taxi Den Bosch.

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You can access the Flora of the Netherlands website anonymously. We do not collect names or other data that say anything about the identity of visitors to this site. However, statistical data relevant to improving the website is collected. Read more about our Privacy Policy here.

Comments and suggestions welcome: info@taxi-denbosch.com
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